
Member Since: 8/19/2000
Total Mixes: 32
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lane's Mixes

lane's Favorite Mixes

lane's Mixes

Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
a mix made for a boy that i had a giant crush on at the time... i guess you could say it worked, since we're kind-of dating now... yay for mixes! i tried to stay away from the theme, except for the obv …
Cassette | Theme
it's your birthday and i'm halfway across the country. "when you're on your own / do you ever hear her / cause she talks to you / yeah / she talks to you // when it feels / somehow you're around / make …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is for tyson. he has his own radio show. it's hard to make a tape for a boy with his own radio show. i hope he loves it.
Cassette | Theme
k.- summer was made for slurpees and sunrises and written correspondance. but i am a terrible speller, please try not to be too critical... not that i think you generally are critical, you're anything  …
Cassette | Theme
a theme of missing a boy i'm crazy about, who is currently in another province visiting his girlfriend. i'm aching with jealousy. the title is from nerdy girl; "will you think of me while i'm stuck her …
Cassette | Single Artist
((yet another)) ani difranco mix, for ((yet another)) teacher. i recycled the cover art from "better things to do than survive".
Cassette | Single Artist
i just wanted a tape of the promise ring and modest mouse for the car. but as i was writing down the set list, my brother, home for the evening, looks over my shoulder and says "what, are you doing a s …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
no pretense, just rock and/or roll. mixed for marc-with-a-c, and sent with a copy of "i'm pretty sick of this town, and it's pretty sick of me."
Cassette | Theme
an entirely-local-mix tape from the amazing city of calgary, alberta, canada. more than just the stampede. eh! mixed for my buddy rachel in arizona, although i'll certainly be dubbing myself a copy for …
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