
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 0

northcountrygirl's Mixes

northcountrygirl's Favorite Mixes

northcountrygirl's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
driving mix
CD | Mixed Genre
a belated present for my friend's 21st birthday. The mix is slighty more ominous than I wanted, but then again, so is 21.
CD | Theme - Narrative
my ex-boyfriend had a party a few years ago and I used the opportunity to steal his wilco cd...I have no idea why, I'm not even that big of a fan. So, this mix is a little narrative of the guys that ha …
CD | Mixed Genre
this mix is for my best friend..the title is from the Disney classic "The Parent Trap"...a source of amusement and a topic of conversation between us for years.
CD | Mixed Genre
this past saturday was the best day I've had in a long time...