
Member Since: 9/17/2000
Total Mixes: 24
Total Feedback: 6

Laminger's Mixes

Laminger's Favorite Mixes

Laminger's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
I seem to have fallen into the habit of ending most of my discs lately with outright comedy numbers or zany little ditties that just don't fucking fit on any mix. But that's mmkay. Most people would ra …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Tape 3.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Tape 2 in the great 3-month long "Make a tape at random" experiment. Sides A & B are titled "I Was Raised By Muskrats (claims Harvard science chair)" and "Aliens Stole My Fridge", respectiely. The titl …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Here's fun for those of you looking for fun new ways of making a mix tape: Go through your entire record/CD/Tape collection, write down the names of all the best songs on little slips of paper. Put all …
CD | Mixed Genre
Special note to my friends: Never give me a blank CD with the instructions, "Put on some Rush, some Kiss, some 'tallica, and whatever else is cool." FYI, my cool and your cool are generally two differe …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
We needed something to listen to on the way to Minneapolis (!) for our honeymoon (!!), my wife and I did. So I came up with this. It got me over the Canada-US border and easily into the Dakotas. It's a …
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