
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 6

tatocakes's Mixes

tatocakes's Favorite Mixes

tatocakes's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Disjointed fun, here... some of this inspired by my recent acquisition of the special-edition DVD of Dogma, part inspired by VH-1's Greatest One-Hit Wonders special, some of it just stuff I had lying a …
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix I made for my husband's 24th birthday, which is today. A patriotic baby deserves a slightly odd mix. :)
CD | Mixed Genre
Disc 6 in the Crescent-Fresh series. I've recently noticed that most of my songs go in alphabetical order by artist on these... oh well. I think this one rocks, anyway. :)
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for my friend Kimmee and her new car, a 2003 Cavalier named Bonnie. Hope she loves.