Marc (With a ''C'')1

Member Since: 10/8/2000
Total Mixes: 31
Total Feedback: 91

Marc's Web Presence
Soft Rock Champion

Marc (With a ''C'')1's Mixes

Marc (With a ''C'')1's Favorite Mixes

Marc (With a ''C'')1's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
A schizophrenic sountrack to a schizophrenic week. All of these songs were the soundtrack to the last 7 days which included: helping to bail the vocalist/guitarist of one of my favorite bands out of ja …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Made for my friend... she mentioned that she wanted to hear more of a few bands I was into... a new mix is born.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A 120 minute mix tape for my friend Kattie. She's been bugging me to make her a mix, and... well... who was I to say 'no'?
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Dont you just love those romantic/comedy/drama movies of the early 90's that were really just vehicles for some great soundtracks? I mean, just think back to 'Reality Bites', 'Mad Love', '10 Things I H …
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