Marc (With a ''C'')1

Member Since: 10/8/2000
Total Mixes: 31
Total Feedback: 91

Marc's Web Presence
Soft Rock Champion

Marc (With a ''C'')1's Mixes

Marc (With a ''C'')1's Favorite Mixes

Marc (With a ''C'')1's Favorite Mixes

CD | Single Artist
A seamless introduction to the pre-major label days of one of my favorite bands. I'm still dying to get my hands on a copy, if you're reading this Rob! (hint, hint) ;)
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
It's hard not to pick a mix as a favorite when someone includes one of your own compositions.
by lane
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Shannen just plain rocks. And hey... she introduced me to Ozma through this mix.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
One of the most random mix tapes I've ever heard. I had no other option but to love it.
Cassette | Single Artist
Since it's next to impossible to gauge a really good REM mix, and this chap did such a splendid job... I have to give this one a thumbs-up.
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Without being too egotistical or patting myselfp on the back too hard... this is still probably my favorite mix tape I've ever made... if not of all-time.
Cassette | Theme
One of the most brilliant mixes ever conceived.
CD | Single Artist
Jonathan Richman may be one of the 10 best songwriters that ever lived. One listen to this mix... and you'd be converted as well.