Doghouse Reilly

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 4

Doghouse Reilly's Mixes

Doghouse Reilly's Favorite Mixes

Doghouse Reilly's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
a revamped version of an old mix, for the times when you just can't bring yourself to love Big Brother.
CD | Theme
This mix is a collection of songs that are either quoted or referenced in Grant Morrison's (mind bendingly cool) comic book series "The Invisibles" ( Although I threw th …
CD | Mixed Genre
One for the road.
CD | Theme
The progression of a bad mood. Flakes between manic and depressive, trips out in the middle, slips into a depression, then balances out at the end. For those wrong side of the bed days.
CD | Mixed Genre
The geek counterbalance to the other mix I made for her (Cherchez la femme). I got the Mr. T soundbites at and peppered the mix with some of the choice short ones. For the nerd in her from the geek in  …
CD | Theme - Romantic
A mix I just gave to the girl I've been chasing since I first saw her long ago. I think we're chasing each other now, like a merry go round. She's leaving for Europe soon and says she wants to see me w …