
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 5

-M-D-J-'s Mixes

-M-D-J-'s Favorite Mixes

-M-D-J-'s Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
i made this mix really recently to get this girl un-mad at me...worked. cause im mad slick. not that i give a shit, but still... anyway, yeah, its a good tape. peace. -j
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this has a lot of red hot chili peppers on it. hmm. i wonder why side b seems really short. whatever, if i recall correctly she really enjoyed this, and thats all that matters. -j
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is cute. i think that this was the first (at least one of the first) tapes i ever made alex who is definitely my best mixing buddy. you all should look at her mixes, they are much better than mine …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
yeah, i made this really early in freshman year, pretty soon after i first met joyce. this is just one of those mixes of everything i was listening to at that time. nothin that special. -j
Cassette | Mixed Genre
yeah, so this girl who is pretty cool but doesnt listen to any types music that i do asked me to make her a tape of the stuff i listen to. so i made her this, and it is mostly composed of easy listenin …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
yeah, i made this mix for this bitchass whore i was goin out with for the christmas before this past one. yeah....that girl sucks.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this was a mix that i made for my boy timmy L. its a shame...i never listen to any of this shit anymore. but when i did i was mad into it...hmmm... oh well. on to bigger and better things. these were m …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
yeah...i made this mix maaaad long ago. i didnt write in my notebook where side A ended and side B began, so i just guessed here. whatever... -j