eric gabbard

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 2

eric gabbard's Mixes

eric gabbard's Favorite Mixes

eric gabbard's Mixes

Cassette | Theme - Sleep
well, this is for you shoegazer dave. as I said, stuff ya should hear. you'd love every track. a couple things you might not have heard of...sister sonny, john wolfington, calla...some things I'm surpr …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
It's good to be back. I occassionally check out what mixes have been submitted, but lack the time and patience to make my own. I made this last week and listen to it continually. It's part of everyday  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
More alphabetical madness. Have you seen the movie High Fidelity with John Cusack? I swear I should get royalties from the guy who wrote that book/script (I forgot his name). That is my life completely …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Simply put,I put the majority of my CD's in alphabetical order (like the music geek that I am) and picked a track that stuck out at me. Frustrating as hell, but well worth it in the long run.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Most of the songs are chosen by my 100 disc-changer on random select, but I sometimes have to do a little improvising to make them perfect.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The music speaks for itself.