
Member Since: 12/27/2000
Total Mixes: 27
Total Feedback: 1

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moodie's Mixes

moodie's Favorite Mixes

moodie's Mixes

CD | Theme
slsk user roquesantacruz12 created these criteria for a themed mix. || 1 . a live recording in your hometown or close to it| books as furniture, the paperbacks.| winnipeg, manitoba. not released.|| 2 . …
CD | Theme
1. A song from the last record you bought 2. A blues: not a necessarily a blues record but a song that is labelled (something) blues 3. A song that gets you going in the morning 4. A song that you thin …
CD | Mixed Genre
mix for an ex-gf now friend, just to catch up and let her know what i have been listening to lately.
CD | Mixed Genre
the idea that i had in mind with this mix was to mix genres as much as possible to make an upbeat crossing-genres mix cd for a friend to listen to on rainy days biking to work. i think it will achieve  …
CD | Mixed Genre
it's been so long since i've posted in here, and i really started to miss it. so here is the most recent mix i made, in cd format, for a friend in germany
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for a friend as a birthday gift, and a copy was made for a zinester. Oh yes, and for me (of course)
CD | Mixed Genre
Some people in my life are getting this mix as a holiday gift.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made this for myself. I was quite hesistant to post this at all, but here it is.
Cassette | Theme
So... my goal was to make a mix that contained all Canadian music, to give away on my upcoming trip to Boston. I am currently really angry with my job, feeling exploited and as if I've been sacrificing …
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