
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 2

SiameseDream's Mixes

SiameseDream's Favorite Mixes

SiameseDream's Mixes

CD | Theme - Break Up
I made and sent this mix to my ex-girlfriend two years to the day after we started dating. She broke up with me earlier this week due to the difficulties of a long-distance relationship. Although there …
CD | Theme
This is a mix that breaks many rules but generally stays with in the alt/punk genre. I tried to capture my feeling of the summer past with many of the bands that I listened to and saw live this summer  …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Hey -- This is my second mix to my girlfriend back home. I have included a set of ballads from emo/punk bands and a couple soft/hard dynamic songs that add a little pace. I couldn't leave out Nick Drak …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a mix CD for my girlfriend for our anniversary. A lot of the songs and titles have to do with us being apart, me being a freshman in college and her back at home. She loved it.