
Member Since: 1/18/2001
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 8

Cait's Mixes

Cait's Favorite Mixes

Cait's Mixes

CD | Theme - Break Up
A breakup mix for my friend who recently discovered her long-time boyfriend has been cheating on her. Title is a take on the Smith's song. "Sheila take a bow/boot the grime of this world in the crotch, …
CD | Theme - Break Up
CD | Mixed Genre
For the purpose of listening to while driving around with friends and rolling the windows down! (title from the Shins song)
CD | Theme
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
my first attempt at an "i miss you" mix for my boyfriend of almost a year. I tried to be as honest as possible. title taken from the Tara Jane song.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
This tape was made for my hippie folkish dear friend Sylvia as a slight introduction to friendly indie rock. I made a copy of this mix for myself to listen to at the bus station.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this tape was originally made in early september 2000, but not submitted until now.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is quite possibly the greatest mix tape I've made to date- every song has a meaning or some feeling attatched to it. people closest to me know that i make up for lack of good modern music by surro …
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