sarah rebel-star

Member Since: 1/24/2001
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 6

sarah rebel-star's Mixes

sarah rebel-star's Favorite Mixes

sarah rebel-star's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a 60min. tape for the train tomorrow.
CD | Mixed Genre
a mix for my friend megan who lives too far away. just a bunch of good stuff that i don't think shes heard much of. it starts kinda loud and then gets into softer songs. title is from a letter she wrot …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is a mix for cece. she rocks my world aaand she gave me a light brite for christmas. . the title is from the cibo mato song.
Cassette | Hip Hop/Rap
this is a mix for me. i like to listen to it really loud while im driving in my stationwagon. it makes me quite happy.
Cassette | Alternative - Punk
this is a girlpunkish mix for gary who is a boy without enough estragen in his stereo. the apani song at the end is a sweet 'lil hiphop track.