Mike Foley

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 14
Total Feedback: 11

Mike Foley's Mixes

Mike Foley's Favorite Mixes

Mike Foley's Mixes

Cassette | Pop
Sometimes I just want to rock. And there are a lot of different ways to rock...
Cassette | Theme
Actually, I would've included some Winger or Bad English, if I'd packed it when I moved here. And I couldn't fit in any Booby Brown. "I smell sequel."
Cassette | Theme
A side for each gender. Tried, as always, to acheive some interesting juxtapositions. Hopefully, that counteracts how obvious some of the song choices were. Especially on the first side. Seriously thou …
CD | Single Artist
Burned for a friend who wasn't sure if Mayer was worth her while (she liked "No Such Thing, but not "Your Body Is A Wonderland"), but is pro-John now. I was going to put half of Heavier Things after th …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
A Mix to accompany photos I took while driving from Raleigh to Seattle. Y'know, make it a Multimedia deal.
Cassette | Pop
Markedly similar bands to the last mix I submitted, but trying for a more introspective effect...
Cassette | Theme
Basically, Whether on the bus or running, a tape to keep me going at it. And some the humor was intentional (i.e. putting Nirvana between two of the many "radio friendly unit shifters" to come along in …
CD | Pop
Basically, a single-disc variation on those festival albums you see more of, like the Woodstocks or Ozzfests. With a few curveballs, mind you...
CD | Pop
Another grand experiment to see what I could get away with combining, under the vague and arbitrary concept we call "rock."
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