Gary Ingalls

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 0

Gary Ingalls's Mixes

Gary Ingalls's Favorite Mixes

Gary Ingalls's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Here's another one that was made WAY back in the 80's. Nuthin' fancy, I just wanted to put together 90 minutes of high energy. Some the songs on here are not what I would consider tape worthy today, bu …
Cassette | Blues - Classic Blues
If I had to choose one out of the hundreds of mix tapes I've made over the years as the best overall, this would have to be it. One, I LOVE sixties soul, two, this tape just seems to go well with just  …
Cassette | Pop
I made this tape about 15 years ago as a tribute to the music I listened to ten years before that (although, I have no idea how so many SRV songs ended up on it). I was all set to downplay it here in t …
Cassette | Blues - Classic Blues
This, IMHO, is as good as dance music gets. My tribute to James, Sly & George. Goodgawd, Ain't it funky now! Eh...But what do I know, I'm just an old white guy from New Hampshire. Gittdown!
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I'm sure some of you can relate to this.... One night I came home feeling no pain with a desire to make a tape. I had no concept or game plan so I just randomly yanked some CD's from my collection, put …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A long time ago, a friend asked me to make him a "groove" tape... he gave me no other directions. I took the minimal info he gave me and mixed it with what I knew of his taste in music and came up with …
Cassette | Single Artist
I have probably made 30 or 40 Zappa mix tapes over the years, but this one represents where my fanatacisim is right now. With the exception of Yo Mama this is all instrumental with lotsa guitar solos a …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is, by my defination a true mix tape in that every song is either slammed, blended or beatmixed with the next... in other words, no dead air on this one. I like how all the different styles morf r …
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