Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 3
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WHY US?'s Mixes

WHY US?'s Favorite Mixes

WHY US?'s Mixes

CD | Alternative - Punk
I've been feeling kinda political lately, but mostly I made this because I wanted something to really get me going. I think that getting behind a cause, (or at least feeling like you are) can make you  …
CD | Theme
These are songs by guys that are like Mr. T. Tough but tender... they don't let their true colors shine until usually the last song on the album, but they all just wanna cuddle. I know how they feel. D …
CD | Theme
This is a mix CD I made for myself to try and cheer me up. I figured if music can depress me, it can also make me feel good, right? Right. So I picked these songs because they all put a smile on my fac …