Ross Langager

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 1

Ross Langager's Mixes

Ross Langager's Favorite Mixes

Ross Langager's Mixes

Cassette | Single Artist
This is the "Best of Sloan" update i promised. This one was more planned and resticted, since I had five songs apiece from the first two albums, and 6 from each of the latest ones. The first side ended …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is what I like the call the prime cuts from the ZapSid Records vault. With just three exceptions, these are what I consider the best songs from my four previous mix tapes. I'd make some amendments …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
A happier mix than my last few, despite the title. I made some mistakes, and had to cut out a few songs that wouldn't fit, but they just popped up on other tapes. This one was unfortunenately dominated …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This was my second tape, and it had more of what I like to call a polished jagged edge to it. It was more professionally made, with less fuck-ups and better sound, but this one, unlike my first tape, h …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This was the first mix tape I ever made, and the low-quality sound and editing reveals that. It kind of had a loose theme of sorts, since all songs were from the 90's except the Edvard Grieg classical  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is my most recent creation, and sixth in my series of mix tapes. I'm sure I'll submit the other ones when I have the time. It's a fun, very listenable album without much of a theme to it. There's  …
Cassette | Pop
I already submitted this one, but now that the Alternating DJ part is working again, I thought I'd submit it again. Again, it went me, Graham, me, Graham, and so on, to give you an idea of our musical  …