
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 11

MegslyWegsly's Mixes

MegslyWegsly's Favorite Mixes

MegslyWegsly's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
Bored. yes it is friday... this doesnt quite fit today though. Its a mix to get you pepped up for the weekend, which INCLUDES friday. therefore its for thursday. Not my usual types of music, but good o …
CD | Mixed Genre
School starts a week from today. its going to be hard. summer is almost over. some songs to head out with...
CD | Mixed Genre
Made this mix after much consideration on some songs my crush suggested to me. these are the good ones mixed in with some of my own. and DONT DIS DANIEL BEDINGFIELD!
CD | Mixed Genre
After we had met once in person and talked online a couple of times, a boy surprised me with this mix. Needless to say, he won me over. Its very moving music, and we definitely made a connection throug …