
Member Since: 11/21/2004
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 6

Other Mixes By fwarpoon

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ

Beach Brio for Bilqis

Artist Song
Gnarls Barlkey  Smiley Faces 
Electric light Orchestra  Mr Blue Sky 
Al Green  Let's stay together 
Belle and Sebastian  If you're feeling sinister 
Nico  The fairest of the seasons 
Devendra Banhart  Now that I know 
The Beatles  Something 
Flaming Lips  Do you realize?? 
Elf Power  When The Red King Comes 
My Bloody Valentine  Sometimes 
Daft Punk  Face to Face 
Fiona Apple  Tymps (The sick in the head song) 
Tom Waits  Singapore 
Moby  Run On 
Andrew Birds  Fake Palindromes 
Beulah  What will you do when your suntan fades? 


The theme hints at our history lyrically.


Date: 6/20/2006
2-5,8,10,13... lots of good stuff. you really should post more often.