
Artist Song
Alix Olson  America's On Sale! 
Bitch and Animal  Pussy Manifesto 
Ember Swift  Mental Breakdown 
Kinnie Starr  Ophelia 
The Bangs  Into You 
Cadallaca  The Trouble With Public Places 
Luckie Strike  House Arrest 
Bratmobile  Cool Schmool 
Bikini Kill  Rebel Girl 
Sarge  Backlash 
Sixty Stories  It's So Touching 
Discount  Half Fiction 
Le Tigre  Get Off The Internet! 
Bonfire Madigan  Mad Skywriting 
Christine Fellows  20 Bullets 
Tattle Tale  Glass Vase Cello Case 
B'ehl  Waiting For June 


Second CDR mix I made while visiting the parents... a copy for myself, the girlfriend, and very good friend for gifts. Same rules apply as to my other recently posted CDR mix... I have no burner, so I can't make copies for trade. I will make a CDR copy in trade for a burner :) hahaha If you really really like it for some reason, I have other mixes that have many of the same songs on them; I can copy this mix on tape for you; or I can make a similar mix for you on tape for trades. Much of my CDR mixes were inspired by recent trades (thanks Jen and Francesca for songs, and Jessy for artist inspiration)


Date: 3/26/2001
damn, girl, every time i see one of yr mixes it makes me wanna make one of my own (with most of the same songs on it...). oh, shawna, you are the wind beneath my wings. heh. :)
* jen
Date: 4/23/2001
I can't beleive i've found someone else who like (or has heard of) sixty stories!!!! right on grrrl!!
Date: 7/5/2001
This is one of the best mixes I have seen on this 'site!
Right on Girl!
I would love to trade mix tapes sometime!!