
Member Since: 10/17/2006
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 2

Other Mixes By andreashoxenos

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Classical

Ein letzter Knall (mit starken Obert÷nen)

Artist Song
The people united will never be defeated: Introduction  Fredric Rzewski 
I Will Wait  Pere Ubu 
Room Pieces  Michael J. Schumacher 
Variation 1  Fredric Rzewski 
Onions Wrapped In Rubber  Tortoise 
Music on a Long Thin Wire - 18:58  Alvin Lucier 
An Echo, A Stain  Bj÷rk 
Variation 18  Fredric Rzewski 
Color My World  Chicago 
I Think I See the Light  Cat Stevens 
Variation 3  Fredric Rzewski 
Scribble  Allen Ginsberg 
Drinking Wine Spodyody  Pere Ubu 
From Her to Eternity  Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds 
Hiji Catetan  Idjah Hadidjah & Jugala Ensemble 
Variation 36  Fredric Rzewski 
Music is the Victim  Scissor Sisters 
El Chorruelo  Paco de Lucfa 
Finale  Fredric Rzewski 


The mix is an experiment in thematic reintroduction. A set of piano variations by Frederic Rzewski, based on the socialist anthem "íEl Pueblo unido jamas sera vencido!", is used as the unifying melodic device - a selection of the variations are unevenly spaced throughout, with the unadorned theme being introduced at the beginning of the mix and signally the finish of it. The variations create more or less clean divisions in the CD, helping each section behave as a coherent unit. The repetition of pieces from the same album (Pere Ubu), seems to work in the context. It also recalled a similar practice in the palindromic "Der zweiter Knall."The "starken Obert÷nen" are socialist ones, used here not without a degree of irony.


Date: 10/18/2006
I will not pretend to understand a whole lot of this, but it sure sounds fascinating. If I'm allowed nitpick about German grammar for a second though (sorry, can't help it!): "mit" requires an accusative, so the title would have to be "mit starken Obert÷nen".
Date: 10/19/2006
I attempted something similar, but much less ambitious many, many moons ago (with The Nutcracker Suite). What I recognize here looks really good.