bring over "reality bites" and we'll pretend it's the nineties: disc two

Artist Song
sponge  plowed 
ben kweller  wasted and ready 
summercamp  drawer 
hum  comin' home 
nada surf  popular 
letters to cleo  awake 
nerf herder  van halen 
pavement  cut your hair 
sebadoh  ocean 
lemonheads  mrs.robinson 
cornershop  brimful of asha 
dandy warhols  not if you were the last junkie on earth 
superdrag  destination ursa major 
stone temple pilots  big bang baby 
bran van 3000  drinking in L.A. 
mazzy star  fade into you 
oasis  champagne supernova 
radiohead  fake plastic trees 


this is disc two. i realize there's some artist overlapping - but how can you choose between "van halen" and "sorry", really? this is a very hypothetical set of mixes; i might have made something like this had i had the capacity to burn discs in 1998. some of it is pretty mainstream and some of it is kind of obscure (has ANYONE ever heard that size 14 song?); truth be told i was kind of snotty back then and wouldn't have admitted to liking half of this stuff, but it's time to fess up, i suppose. it's sadly missing that spacehog song (i can't find it anywhere) but for now, this is it.

some obvious things are missing - smashing pumpkins, nirvana, that kind of stuff. truth be told; a lot of those songs got kind of ruined for me due to excessive airplay - most of them are hard for me to listen to and enjoy now. it feels kind of incomplete without them and some other tracks that i ultimately deemed nonessential, but keep in mind i am actually listening to these discs now, and i didn't want to include any songs i was lukewarm about then.
p.s. - that ben kweller track is probably not from the nineties, now that i think about it. oh, well.


Date: 11/27/2006
wow, i am 20, so this is really familiar to me. i have heard that size 14 song too. these songs remind me of an entire other me, it's crazy what 10 years can do.
Bah, none of them! Still, "Cut Your Hair" and "Not If You Were the Last Junkie..." are two of the many must haves on here.The Superdrag song eternally stuck in my head is "Sucked Out." It was just a couple years ago when from some reason I decided it was my mission to make sure that song was running through my friend's head as he was at the altar getting married.