Silence is danger, but it's not that quiet here

Side A
Artist Song
Patti Smith  Because the Night 
Radiohead  Climbing Up the Walls 
Guided By Voices  Demons are Real 
Air  Ghost Song 
Sonic Youth  Halloween 
Joy Division  Shadowplay (live) 
Slowdive  Mellon Yellow 
Tom Waits  9th & Hennepin 
The Electric Prunes  I Had Too Much to Dream Last Night 
Beat Happening  Midnight A Go-Go 
The Sonics  Night Time is the Right Time 
Thelonious Monk  'Round Midnight 
Django Reinhardt  I'll See You in My Dreams 
Yo La Tengo  Green Arrow 
Side B
Psychic TV  Black Moon 
The Soft Machine  Why Are We Sleeping? 
Spacemen 3  Ecstasy Symphony 
Pavement  Strings of Nashville 
Syd Barrett  Late Night 
Smashing Pumpkins  In the Arms of Sleep 
The Velvet Underground  After Hours 
Yo La Tengo  Night Falls Over Hoboken 


Songs about the coming of the night. Not a mix that should necessarily be played at night, as the first side of the tape is slightly disturbing for the first half. I suppose you could fall asleep to the second side. There's fewer songs on the second side because two tracks are really long ("Night Falls Over Hoboken" is pretty epic). Title taken from the Pavement track, if I transcribed the lyrics correctly.


Date: 1/31/2007
On the right track.