
Member Since: 8/3/2005
Total Mixes: 21
Total Feedback: 37

Other Mixes By EclecticCo

MP3 Playlist | Theme
MP3 Playlist | Theme

The insufficiency of Human Endeavour

Artist Song
The Pretenders  Middle of the Road 
Concrete Blonde  It'll Chew You Up and Spit You Out 
The Dresden Dolls  Modern Moonlight 
Squirrel Nut Zippers  Suits Are Picking Up the Bill 
Luminescent Orchestrii  She's a Brick 
The Real Tuesday Weld  (Still) Terminally Ambivalent Over You 
Forty Thieves Orkestar  Rabble Rouser 
Bertolt Brecht  Lied von der Unzulaenglichkeit menschlichen Strebens 
Django Reinhardt  Nuages 
Ute Lemper  Denn wie mann sich bettet (As you make your bed, so you must lie in it) 
Boban Markovic Orkestar  Sat (Time) 
Gary Numan  Are Friends Electric? 
Moloko  Pure Pleasure Seeker 
Kinky  How Do They Do That? 
Balkan Beat Box  BBBeat 
Ojos de Brujo  Ventilator R-80 
Doctor Rockit  Cafe de Flore 


This mix comes from two points: (1) my recent discovery of Brecht's "Lied von der Unzulaenglichkeit menschlichen Strebens" (I always wondered what his voice sounded like...), which plays a role in Sting's version of "Mackie Messer" (it also comes from DIE DREIGROSCHENOPER) and wanting to make a mix around it; and (2) hearing "She's a Brick" yesterday while cooking dinner and having a similar thought about it.

So why not both?

The mix opens with a couple of oldies but goodies (please notice resonance between tracks 2 and 10...), then flies toward Reason #2, which fairly quickly moves back to Reason #1 and then bursts out from there.

The title comes from Track #8, "The Song of the Insufficiency of Human Endeavour," which starts, "Mankind lives by its head / Its head won't see it through / Inspect your own. What lives off that? / At most a louse or two. / For this bleak existence / Man is never sharp enough."

The Ute Lemper song is from AUFSTIEG UND FALL DER STADT MAHAGONNY, also by Brecht and Weill. The refrain there is something like "For as you make your bed, so you must lie in it, / no one will tuck you in. / If anyone does the kicking it will be me, / and if anyone gets kicked, it will be you."


Date: 8/13/2007
This looks neat! I would probably get it better if I knew any German, although I will try to remember that Unzulaenglichkeit = insufficency. I did use a song from Mahagonny in a mix once, see Whiskey Bar.