Other Mixes By Barrydali
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre

Theme - Alternating DJ

Streets Broad and Narrow
Provisionally titled Art of the Micks, a derogatory term for an Irish guy in England. I had a friend who insisted on calling me Mick, with no hint of malice and with genuine affection. Indeed when I played football for my work team I had Mick 7 on my back. I suppose I chickened out of the joke on here in due deference to countrymen who would percieve it to be our cultural equivalent to the N word. All that aside this is a mix of Irish acts old and new. The nearly men and underachievers have all banded together.Sentiment wins the battle with common sense here with me but honestly there are some treasures on here, go on tell me I'm lying...
Bono pose courtesy of Frans Smeets.

When you say "cultural equivalent to the N word," are you saying that "Mick" is an indispensable word in Irish hip-hop?
This mix looks top from what few I know.
I'm shut out on this-my bad.
Well, our stateside friends have certainly got a treat instore re: the opening track. Although it may have been Number One for 10 weeks over there, who knows? Some great stuff on here Barry. Microdisney, Whipping Boy and FM to name but three. And one of my all time favourites appears on here, I've tried on so many occasions to fit it onto a mix with no avail. Great to see it here.. I reckon you know which one I'm on about :)
i'm with terry - dunno much, barry, but i will soon - thanks for the link
always nice to see That petrol emotion on a mix, a really underated band
Yeah, that's all fine and all, but where's U2?
Nah, don't worry, I'm only messin' with ya, clearly the mix is all the better for it. I'm currently at track 6, and if the first few songs and what I know of the rest are anything to go by (and I have no doubt that they are), then you've once again made a fantastic mix. No surprise here, then.
Nah, don't worry, I'm only messin' with ya, clearly the mix is all the better for it. I'm currently at track 6, and if the first few songs and what I know of the rest are anything to go by (and I have no doubt that they are), then you've once again made a fantastic mix. No surprise here, then.
Alive alive O' a barrow loada top tunes here mon ami. The opener always makes me chuckle and the closer is a belter with too many worthy of mention to waffle on about in between.
Downloading with much anticipation. To comment prior would be senseless as there is much new to me, here. I will report back.
So this is what Bono does when you don't include his band on an Irish mix? That baby never stood a chance. Liking the 2-4 stretch.
Not really familiar with any artists here, so thanks for the education!
Exactly what Salman said, although I do like the Frames, That Petrol Emotion and Fatima Mansions reasonably well.
The Frames are the only ones that ring a bell here, soon to be rectified.
I only recognize about 2 of these artists. I seriously need to remedy that. This looks to be a good education for me.
the Frames rang my bell too, though I hadn't heard the song before. lots of great stuff here, Barry, and I'm pretty sure it's not due entirely to the God-given luck you inherited from the homeland. that Rollerskate Skinny could be my top pick here.
Lets see...I know That Petrol Emotion and The Fatima Mansions and, when I was a wee one, I had cradle burns. Just between us Micks (though I'm admittedly a 4th or 5th hand Mick), this looks like a cracking mix.