Other Mixes By greaseball1
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Get Under The Trailer Ma, The TornadoZ Is Coming !
Lovingly torn from hissin', spittin', white hot bakelite whipping 'round at a breakneck 78rpm. Whew ! That centrifugal force is a killer. Thanks to my big city brother Skipper Bartlett for his asstance.Thanks to tornadoZ for the comments and coaxing me out of mixing retirement for one more.
Wow, three years! Welcome back, this looks fantastic, downloading as we speak. A big thank you to TornadoZ for his impetus, definitely.
Jesus Christ!!!! Welcome back! Really! If I'd have known that doing a mix like tornadoZ's would have coaxed so many folks that I've dearly missed out of retirement, I'd have tried this years ago. Seriously, it's great to see you. And this looks like a shitload of fun. Apparently you've now gone digital?!
This looks amazing!
Walk towards the vortex! Nicely done.
welcome back!
greaseball1! you made my day. been wondering if you and the Skipper might be relations, 'cause musical genes like these don't come along twice in a lifetime. and what's this 'one more?' don't be a stranger, y'hear? or I'll get Skipper to come down there and whip your hillbilly ass.
Wowee Zowee, just been looking through your old mixes and I want to hear them ALL! But for now, this will more than do. And please stick around, any relation to Skipper B must be a helluvamixa...
Wow, torandoZ is bring everybody back. Awesome mix.
Thanks to greaseball1 for this mix and tornadoZ for *ahem* outing us.
Very cool mix. Nice to see you back again.
Wonderful. All around.
looks like a rockin good time
I believe the proper spellin' is "Git" under the trailer... slam dunk fun!
welcome home, grease! funnily enough, i found a few of the cassettes we traded for back in the day just this week. too bad i no longer have a tape player. nice mix!
welcome home, grease! funnily enough, i found a few of the cassettes we traded for back in the day just this week. too bad i no longer have a tape player. nice mix!
welcome home, grease! funnily enough, i found a few of the cassettes we traded for back in the day just this week. too bad i no longer have a tape player. nice mix!
Damn nice mixin' sir. Your catalog from the days of AOTM yore are wonderful!
Who could have guessed that hi-fi Skipper had a hillbilly cousin haunting the thrift stores? But it's clear that musicality runs in the family. Thanks for the link, I'm gonna go get stung right now.
This is so good.
tons to love on this one, it's great to hear the scratchy sound of the 78. marked my favorites at tracks 2, 4, 6, 8... uh, this...mixIdoappreciate! 10, 13-15, 17, 21, 24... but best of all is the Kenny Roberts With the Hilltoppers tune. as mother used to say, I've always been the biggest sucker for music with moanin' ladies and/or yodeling. they're not really all that different, you know.
I've always been fond of that Everly Brothers song and anything by Moon Mullican. Welcome back, greaseball.