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Musical Fruitcake: A Little Gift for My Fellow AoTMers
And, by all means, feel free to spread the holiday joy to all you friends, loved ones and colleagues.as this makes a WONDERFUL Secret Santa Gift!And, here's a first - a track-by-track summation: Track 1: Akin to a Cracker Barrel Holiday Cheese Ball Track 2: Essential. This HAD to be made. Track 3: Actual lyrics "Clippity Clap, Tippity Tap...It's a Santa Rap" Track 4: Truly astonishing. And, the irony is, KITT doesn't even want to save Christmas! Quote: "I'll never understand this human sentimentality". But, don't let that deter you from enjoying this Christmas Tour de Force. Track 5: The genesis of this mix as I happened upon the "Christmas in the Stars" album, last year. And, it still makes me tear with laughter EVERY time. It's just THAT joyous. And, the ending could cause Type 2 Diabetes. Of note: this track led to my seeking out other atrocious holiday ditties (all found, here). As such, MUCH props MUST go to Musical Fruitcake who has closed their doors, but aided in both the introduction and obtainment of many of these treats. Track 6: When you think Dr. Who, you think Christmas. Obviously. Track 7: The moog can be somewhat cumbersome to haul along snow-covered sidewalks while caroling. But, it's worth it, I think. Track 8: It goes without saying, but Max Headroom has to be near the top of the list of 80's Abominations. Track 9: Reaches unfathomable heights of atrociousness (and AWESOME-ness, if I must say so). Track 10: Just a quick note: if you want to steal something for me as a Gift. Please. Puh-leaze! Go elsewhere. Track 10: Sort of truthful (if we're being honest). Track 12: As if Popeye - The Movie wasn't enough punishment to inflict upon the world...listening to this kinda' makes ya' wish Jack caught her with that ax. Track 13: Uggggghhhhh. Track 14: To think this actually gets radio airplay. Abyssmal! Track 15: The title says it all. Track 16: Have yourself a White-trash Christmas, y'all!!!! Track 17: Ahh, mixing the holidays, family and alcohol (what harm can come from that?). Track 18: Don't worry kids! You're Mom's already passed and your Dad JUST got hit by a car, but you got that shiny red fire truck. Miracles do happen! Track 19: Canned Heat & The Chipmunks. To off-putting tastes, that taste worse together. Track 20: Kinda makes me yearn for The Chipmunks. Track 21: And, this makes me yearn for the Crickets. Track 22: Nothing more enjoyable than bee a buzzing in your ear, right? Track 23: Why was this produced? Track 24: And, you thought the barking dogs were annoying.well, Hwah-ahh-ahh-ahh!!!! Track 25: Honestly, who gives a shit? Track 26: This is so, SOOO VERY bad. Just plain awful. For shame, Billy. Well For MANY MANY reasons. But, this has be a list-topper. And, mind you, I only included the Edited Version.May this bring you Christmas Cheer. And, no need to wait, feel free to take a peak under the Tree.Edit: Due to CATOSTROPHIC Uploading Issues the Download Link has been updated.Feedback:
Mind-boggling. And I thought I hated Christmas music. Thanks Chris!
Thanks for the heads up, Chris. D/Ling now...
A Merry & a Happy t'you 'n yours.
A Merry & a Happy t'you 'n yours.
Merry Xmas & a Happy New Mix!!
Like a cheez whiz yule log, very nice!
this looks super interesting - merry christmas/happy holidays!
fruity patootie Santa Claus sooty! In spite of John Denver's touching appeal, though, I believe I WILL get drunk for Xmas - we can't abandon all our sacred traditions, can we? And this mix will be the perfect accompaniment - thanks!
Hilarious ! Little Marcy freaks me out. I love the rest, awesome.
This mix is excellent. You know that you are a true artist right? Your mixes are so considered and wonderful. I listened to this while painting tonight. All of a sudden the history of "bad painting" (a true term and historical painting movement starting in the 70's and never to die) and your mix morphed together into a beautiful moment. Jesus, I swear I'm not a hippy, I just need to read more books that don't have to do with music. Anyways, thank you for the hilarious beauty.
Wow, I'm stunned by how good this is. I applaud you...clippity clap!
I simply cannot wait to hear track 4. Very nice job!
Truly amazing. Have a very Gnomey X-Mas.
Server Error in Application...which means I can't play this delicious looking mix. So fed up of seeing those words when I want to hear a mix. Can't believed I'm going to be deprived of Little Marcy.
this is awful......ly wonderful! The Sisterhood, Crew X, KITT, Moog Machine, Max Headroom tracks had us rolling (played it at work), as did Suzannah and Yogi Yorgesson. but sadly, that Newsong "Christmas Shoes" number made us vomit up our sugarplums and candy canes. great work, Chris, though for some reason the Bon Jovi High School Choir, Go-Go's and Jingle Cats tracks weren't in the bag when I unpacked. but maybe they'll be under the tree come Christmas morn! happy holidays.
What!? Noooooooooo!!!!!! It was that friggin Grinch Character! That green prick.Fixin and re-uppin.
Normally, I'm not a "cake" person but this is better than tasty!
Christmas came early! I'm not exactly sure how (or why) to thank you for making sure we got to hear those cats, those robots and that rocker here at work today. this is truly mind-boggling music.
Chris, thanks for the missing tracks. I was going to mention it but Alex beat me to the punch. I loved this, a great collection of the weird, wonderful, tantalising & tragic. Brilliant.
canned heat and the chipmunks? hahaha wtf
Man, I hate these types of mixes, but your joy and cheer made me enjoy this one... if I didn't I would prolly felt guilty or something! Liking the ecclectic set of artist you chose.
I'm sorry Chris, this is just too painful. It is easily the most challenging mix ever posted on this site that I have had the, er, "pleasure" of listening to. Congrats, you sicko. And Merry Christmas.
Well I'm game. Looks like a cracker. Happy holidays Chris.
This is fantastic. I love terrible music and there's not enough of it on this site.
I'm not brave enough for this!
Thanks for the comments, Chris. Sorry about my negativity on this one. I think now with Christmas having wound down I might be able to give it another shot. Yes, I think I can do it. Happy new year, bro!