
Member Since: 5/22/2006
Total Mixes: 4
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Other Mixes By euphorik6

CD | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

Soybomb August 2005

Artist Song
Horace Silver  Song For My Father 
HP Lovecraft  Thats How Much I Love You, Baby (More or Less) 
The Fallen Angels  I'll Drive You From My Mind 
The Bangles  I'm In Line 
The Remains  Why Do I Cry? (demo) 
The Fugs  I Couldn't Get High 
Syd Barrett  Terrapin (BBC) 
Rolling Stones  1964 Rice Krispies ad 
Charles Brown  Hard Times 
John Lennon  Sally & Billy (1976 version) 
Martin Newell  The Beat Generation And Me (April 1987 home demo) 
Hipster Image  Make Her Mine 
The Kirkbys  It's A Crime 
Carl Perkins  Dixie Fried 
XTC  Ladybird 
Rain Parade   Look Both Ways 
Jackson C. Frank  Here Come The Blues 
Nick Drake  Summertime 
Earl King  Nervous Breakdown 
The Virgineers  Plasticman 
The Beatles  Here, There and Everywhere (1995 single edit) 
Manfred Mann Chapter 3  Where Am I Going 


got this track list from a buddy - i sort of remember making this, but i can't remember exactly when...probably right before we moved outta bloomington, i wasn't working much, had a lot of time on my hands. i was pretty happy with this one, except that the carl perkins track just didn't work. oh well.


Darth Pazuzu
Date: 1/26/2008
A Rolling Stones Rice Krispies ad from '64?! I must confess I've never ever heard THAT before...