Other Mixes By lanhamyodel
Mixed Genre

Mixed Genre

Mixed Genre

Theme - Alternating DJ


All Banjos Sound Great
Buglady's Banjomania mix remindedme that I had a banjo mix of my own waiting for completion somewhere on my hard drive. I'm glad it's ready now; I intend to play this often.
If you love the sound of banjos, this mix is for you, too.

I just saw abigail washburn and the sparrow quartet featuring bela fleck and they did Fall On My Knees. I was standing just off stage, five feet from bela and they were phenomenal.
Nice bookend with the Buglady's mix. That John Hartford is one of my favorite songs, banjo or otherwise.
Another great mix. Gives me blisters on me fingers.
The Earl Scruggs is my favorite. This looks splendid.
Props for the Taj, Scruggs, Frisell and anything including Bela and the effort in general. We love Banjo.
Oh wow, I love this! I was in a music shop the other week and looking at the banjos, and kind of wishing I could play them. This mix pretty much reinforces that. I love the opener and the Martin Simpson.
This is awesome!
John Hartford and Mike Seeger are some of my favorites.
John Hartford and Mike Seeger are some of my favorites.
Yeah, I wish I could play the Banjo too. Oh well, I've got this mix downloaded - next best thing certainly..
Bang that banjo!
Thoughtful of you to start off with the old granddad Pete, & then move on out into some syncopatin' shuffle. What a lineup!
Thoughtful of you to start off with the old granddad Pete, & then move on out into some syncopatin' shuffle. What a lineup!
there could never be too much banjo - okay, maybe there can, but certainly not on any of these songs
Man, I really enjoyed this one.
Claude, this looks magnificent! Can't wait to give it a spin.
It's banjos! What's not to like? :)
I only just now got around to giving this a listen, but it was as fantastic as I expected it to be, only more so. I'm starting to think your title might be a bit of an understatement, however. In any case, thanks a lot for sharing!