john widdop

Member Since: 4/29/2004
Total Mixes: 135
Total Feedback: 34

Other Mixes By john widdop

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

Indoor Skateboard Sunshine and Blues

Artist Song
Titus Andronicus  Fear and Loathing in Mahwah, NJ 
The Dodos  Fools 
Todd Rundgren  Happy Anniversary 
Simon and Garfunkle  Leaves that are Green 
Shearwater  Rooks 
Cut Copy  Hearts on Fire 
The Young Knives  Turn Tail 
Portishead  Machine Gun 
Death Cab For Cutie  No Sunlight 
Elf Power  Heads of Dust, Hearts of Lust 
The Durutti Column  Otis 
Howlin' Rain  Riverboat 
Jacob Golden  On a Saturday 
Adem  To Cure a Weakling Child / Girl/Boy Song 
Neil Young  Crime in the City (Sixty to Zero) 


Every summer I made a similar CD to this one, which celebrates the official start of the summer, and soundtracks the usual summer things. Except I actually don't like summer, and the start of summer for me is usually simultaneous with any number of boring disasters.


Date: 5/15/2008
Fantastic closer.