Other Mixes By anthony lombardi
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Theme - Romantic
gently, the constellations aligned
Artist | Song | |
the beatles | "dear prudence" | |
the broken family band | "where the hell is my baby?" | |
okkervil river | "a king & a queen" | |
martha wainwright | "don't forget" | |
the rolling stones | "i am waiting" | |
annuals | "sore" | |
rich ard swift | "half lit" | |
the mountain goats | "going to port washington" | |
nina nastasia | "our day trip" | |
bright eyes | "nothing gets crossed out" | |
songs: ohia | "tigress" | |
neil young | "motion pictures" | |
alexi murdoch | "all my days" | |
m. ward | "one more goodbye" | |
micah p. hinson | "drift off to sleep" | |
tom waits | "take it with me" | |
rich ard & linda thompson | "dimming of the day" | |
ryan adams | "tomorrow" | |
smog | "i could drive forever" | |
crooked fingers | "under sad stars" | |
for someone really special.it's all really folky, intimate material, it's all really hushed & wistful & sadly sweet, & it's pretty much quietly bursting at the seams with longing & yearning, & it rarely if ever rises above a whisper. it's a perfect reflection for not only how i feel about its recipient & our relationship, but how i feel about life in general right now.
Whuh? This is a change! A positive change, though. Great stuff that conjures your mood pretty precisely. Love, love, love that Nina song, along with just about all of the rest.
One of my favorite lullabyes to start off and a few other choice picks. Nice, Anthony.
Gorgeous, heart-wrenching little mix, Anthony. I especially love #13, which has become one of my favorites, but the rest is glorious as well.
Wonderful mix...I'll bet it's perfect for its intent. Really like the Waits and Crooked Fingers in particular.
don't know many of the tracks you've listed, but based on the track record of the artists that i do know, this looks pretty sweet.
lovely mix
lovely mix
Just from looking at the titles, this mix looks gorgeous.
Feelin' the effort that went into this Anthony, love that Neil Young track.
Anthony, this looks absolutely beautiful. I WISH I could sustain a mood or tone to a mix like you do, man. So, so great. thanks for the kind words on my new one, dude. your mixes are among the ones I always make a point to check out when they show up. I'll get up with you via the gmail about trading latah.
Very nice.
Man, this person must be special. I know she'll love it. Awesome mix/.
of course i know how much this mix means to you, and i'm glad you ultimately decided to post it. it's beautiful and fitting and sums things up perfectly. also, i hope you found satisfaction in the title and didn't just "settle" on something. but it feels right to me.
Looks really great, nice mood!
Beautiful. Really, really beautiful, Anthony.
i truly hope it all goes as amazing as you deserve it to. i love you.
anthony, this looks great. i would still love to get a mix from you someday.
This might be my favorite type of mix, at least some of the time. The R&L Thompson song is great.
This is excellent. By the way, your mixes always ring true somewhere with me too.