Other Mixes By Lookout1977
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
21 Songs to use as a reply when asked about a lost love
Now that's a long name for a mix, I know. Maybe you know the situation: Your love left you or you broke up just a few days ago. You're still not feeling to good (or you're in a great mood, everyone and every situation is different) and for some reason you decided to go to this party you've been invited too. The music plays, you meet some frie_nds or workmates and then the uninvita_ble question comes up: Where's your girl/man? You decide to tell the truth and right away the next questions are asked: Why? How do you feel? Are you fine by yourself? Are you still sad/mad? You might answer these questions with standard statements. Maybe you remain silent. Or you start reminiscing (or cursing) and after 30 minutes you notice that everyone you were talking to is gone.But why not replying with a song or two? I thought about doing this mix when I realized how many songs have been written about how people feel after a breakup. Don't take all the suggestions to seriously and not everytime the whole song fit's the theme of this mix (not every song was written with the Lost Love-Theme in mind), sometimes it's only the refrain or a catchy phrase that fits. So to everyone who's been left alone, sit back and listen to some tunes that might reflect how you feel (or you hope the Ex feels). And to everyone else: just enjoy the music, well known tracks together with rare tunes. And remember: maybe one day this mix will come in handy.
PS: If anyone has suggestions for other songs that would fit into this mix leave a comment or leave a mail, maybe there'll be enough suggestions for a Vol. 2