Songs on the Tape 025 ~ I Know a Man He's Really Awful Nice...He Isn't Here~

Side A
Artist Song
Shelley's Children  Jack 
The Waltones  Eddie 
The Man from Del Monte  M.I.C.H.A.E.L. 
Strawberry Story  Andrew 
The Grooveyard  Peter 
Home and Abroad  Christopher 
Danny Wilson  Davy 
The Ocean Blue  Ayn 
St. Christopher  Gabriel 
Autour de Lucie  Simon 
Blueboy  Chadwick 
The Frank and Walt ers  Humphrey 
The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy  Ben 
The Hit Parade  Harvey 
Aberdeen  Byron 
Side B
Black Cillas  Sebastian 
Dead Famous People  Gavin 
Momus  Nicky 
The Hyacinth Girls  Boris 
Strawberry Fair  Kristoffer 
Louis Philippe  Eusebio 
Riverside  James 
The Orchids  Walt er 
The Monochrome Set  Jack 
The Mary Onettes  Henry 
The Foots  Andrew 
The Chalk Giants  Jason 
How Many Beans Make Five  Simon 
The Chinese Gangster Element  Joey 


A bit late in posting this list here as I'm giving this a week or so...but I'm planning on changing it , hopefully before I move houses...the list for Tape 26 is almost done but I am lazy in typing too many songs, info and links...but I do try my best! so check out in more info on the blog section and more pictures on the photo section obviously! Enjoy and make a MixTape for the site this year! cheers!
