
Member Since: 8/17/2009
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By thenoblebhard

Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Mixed Genre

Haven't Done One In A While

Artist Song
Mal Webb  4 Chords, 68 Songs, 2 Minutes 
Pnau  Journey Agent 
Cansei De Ser Sexy  Move 
Terrorvision  Tom Petty Loves Veruca Salt 
PM Dawn  Set Adrift on Memory Bliss 
Ween  Voodoo Lady 
Neil Young  Harvest Moon 
Bush  Insect Kin 
Cold War Kids  Hospital Beds 
Wang Chung  Dancehall Days 
Big Pig  Hungry Town 
Hunters and Collectors  The Slab (live) 
The Models  Two Cabs To The Toucan 
The Mark Of Cain  Familiar Territory 
Radiohead  Pyramid Song 
The Whitlams  Woody 
Grace Jones  Pull Up To The Bumper 


Hope there are no spelling mistakes in that song list...

Ah well, this mix is purely for those who haven't done one in a while. Me mainly.

Ah well, if you like. Enjoy.
If you don't like, thankfully there's heaps of other mixes on this site.
