
Member Since: 1/22/2002
Total Mixes: 24
Total Feedback: 18

Here We Are... In Utopia...

Artist Song
Over The Rhine  Ohio 
The Distillers  Cincinnati 
R.E.M.  Cuyahoga 
The Tragically Hip  Chagrin Falls 
The Jayhawks  Somewhere In Ohio 
Modest Mouse  Ohio 
The Mountain Goats  Going To Cleveland 
Melissa McClelland  Dayton, Ohio - 1903 
Matthew Ryan  Youngstown 
The Pretenders  My City Was Gone 
Nashville Pussy  Gonna Hitchhike Down To Cincinnati And Kick The Shit Outta Your Drunk Daddy 
The National  Bloodbuzz Ohio 
The Low Anthem  To Ohio 
Damien Jurado  Ohio 
Sun Kil Moon  Carry Me Ohio 


i think my initial goal was to have this mix ready for the Ohio bicentennial. That was way back in the year two-thousand and three. I think I missed that deadline. But just by a wee bit. The procrastination turned out to be rather fortuitous as a number (as opposed to, say, a letter) of the songs on here were released after I initially started working on it.

My original plan was quite simple - to see if I could put together a mix of songs that referenced Ohio (or places therein) in the lyrics and also preferably in the title. But without using any of the following (obvious choices):

- The Theme To WKRP In Cincinnati
- 'Cleveland Rocks' (because it doesn't)
- CSN&Y 'Ohio'

And I'll be damned if it didn't turn out pretty well.
image for mix


Date: 10/6/2010
i listened to this mix mostly to make me laugh (i live in ohio) but i have to say, this is actually pretty decent :]