Hell Has Frozen Over [... Hey Boy Get A Sweater]

Side A
Artist Song
New Found Glory  Better Off Dead 
Alkaline Trio  I Lied My Face Off 
Econoline Crush  Wicked 
Frontline Assembly  Neologic Spasm 
Hot Water Music  Jack Of All Trades 
Jawbreaker  Want 
Moneen  What Did You Say? I'm Sorry... My Eyes Are On Fire 
Dashboard Confessional  Saints and Sailors 
The Weakerthans  Aside 
Painted Thin  Another Box To Live In 
The Bonaduces  The Songs We Knew Best 
Reggie and the Full Effect  What's Wrong 
Modest Mouse  Tiny Cities Made of Ashes 
Side B
The Shamen  Boss Drum 
Massive Attack  Black Milk 
Covenant  Afterhours 
Die Krupps  Fatherland [Sisters of Mercy Remix] 
NIN  Get Down Make Love 
Meat Beat Manifesto  It's The Music 
At The Drive-In  One Armed Scissor 
The Vandals  People That Are Going To Hell 
The Dayglo Abortions  Religious Bumfucks 
Anti-Flag  Davey Destroyed The Punk Scene 
Sex Pistols  God Save The Queen 
The Ataris  The Radio Still Sucks 


90 min tape. A "custom" mix for someone I was doing a trade with... I have no idea who she is really. All I knew was: likes emo, punk, industrial, trance and drum&bass. It's weird, the mix just works in my opinion. It might not be what this person was looking for but I find it rather endearing :) Title from the Modest Mouse song. Cover art - homemade, with Regis from Millionaire surrounded by cash, sporting horns and goatee and the like. Ahh yes.


Don't Dream It's Over.
Date: 6/26/2001
yay for moneen!
fig musica
Date: 10/19/2001
love this mix