
Member Since: 1/11/2000
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 1

Other Mixes By Wright1

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock

wasting away in the sun

Side A
Artist Song
spoon  me and the bean 
tiara  washington 
pinehurst kids  pretty whistle 
smart went crazy  funny as in funny ha ha 
the virgin whore complex  torture 
sorry about dresden  king of hobbies 
boy crazy  bad things 
gang of four  damaged goods 
the shins  girl on the wing 
azure ray  rise 
doleful lions  driller killer 
bangs  tiger beat 
eric's trip  eyes shut 
Side B
swearing at motorists  flying pizza 
the van pelt  turning 20 into 2 
sean na na  the bottom 
the mountain goats  alphonse mambo 
the weakerthans  wellington's wednesdays 
heavenly  pet monkey 
the good life  what we fall for when we're already down 
the wedding present  corduroy 
the starlight mints  the bandit 
the anniversary  the heart is a lonely hunter 
california oranges  so much to do 
q and not u  hooray for humans 
grandaddy  summer here kids 
barcelona  studio hair gel 
julie doiron  sweeter 


i made this for marissa.. she better like it. blood sweat and TEARS went into this mix ! heh.


Brandt Fundak1
Date: 6/29/2001
Once again, one of the Wright sisters does my heart proud. However, the appearance of Barcelona, the California Oranges and Boy Crazy worries me, because these are the same bands that appear on a tape I made for another Wright sister! Oh, whoa is me!