James the LESS

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 8

Other Mixes By James the LESS

CD | Single Artist
Cassette | Mixed Genre


Artist Song
ozma  los angeles 
ozma  rain of the golden gorrilla 
ozma  iceland 
ozma  maybe in an alternate dimension 
ozma  battle scars 
ozma  flight of the bootyman 
ozma  no one needs to know 
ozma  continental drift 
ozma  you know the story 
ozma  natalie portman 
ozma  rocks 
ozma  game over (acoustic demo) w/rivers cuomo 
ozma  if i only had a heart 
ozma  domino effect 


my introduction to the amazing OZMA.
good stuff.. i enjoy this, very much so.


adam is not an ewok
Date: 7/10/2001
Rivers couldn't be less in Game over. Also, I sugest the song Lorraine. It's about back to the future.
James the LESS
Date: 7/10/2001
thanks.. i'll look into it.
half-japanese girl
Date: 7/10/2001
yay for ozma..
but where's baseball?
Date: 10/26/2001
this is an incredibly difficult task. you have met the challenge pretty well. rock the fuck on. also-which is flight of the bootyman? bootmaster?? bootymaestro??? and uh...where did you get gameover w/rivers? that's totally fake.