stephanie anne

Member Since: 7/8/2001
Total Mixes: 37
Total Feedback: 20

keep going 'til you die

Side A
Artist Song
shearwater  not tonight 
clem snide  the water song 
pedro the lion  secret of the easy yoke 
sebadoh  too pure 
eels  stepmother 
azure ray  don't make a sound 
songs: ohia  soul 
clem snide  accident 
low  like a forest 
the black heart procession  never from this heart 
crooked fingers  there's a blue light 
lullaby for the working class  february north 24th street 
Side B
purple ivy shadows  sustance 
the scaries  untitled 
ida  blizzard of '78 
semisonic  singing in my sleep 
further seems forever  just until sundown 
jude  i'm sorry now 
sunset valley  fall fly 
the court and spark  saturn city 
mark eitzel  shine 
telecognac  jonathan's song 
the faint  ballad of a paralysed citizen 


for the ever-so-great rob conroy, this mix was mailed out this afternoon [sorry for the delay]. i tried to just put songs i really enjoyed on here without trying too hard to get songs he didn't have, since that's pretty much unavoidable given our shared musical tastes. includes the song "fall fly" by the band sunset valley, a new barsuk band. i can*not* get over this song, and they have nothing released yet! mix title inspired by the sam brown drawing that provided the cover/track listing to the mix.


Brandt Fundak1
Date: 8/3/2001
I am thoroughly convinced that it is impossible to make a tape for Rob that doesn't have stuff he already has.
lux [jessica].
Date: 8/4/2001
fabulous of course. and for the ever famous rob conroy who i am convinced has a strong hatred for me now. but at least i set him up with trades from two of my girls... the sienna and the steph m.

stephanie, you know what ... i need to come to wisconsin. i need to. anyhow wonderful mix i'll try calling you sometime insanely soon.
Rob Conroy
Date: 8/6/2001
Hey, Steph. This looks fantabulously intriguing and cool. :-) And Lux, why on earth would I have a strong hatred for you (do you WANT me to?!)