Kurt Williams

Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By Kurt Williams

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

The CMJ Sampler Anthology, Vol. I

Side A
Artist Song
ms. wrong  8 Story Window 
Waydown  The Boo Radleys 
Honey Simple  Sonic Youth 
Chelsea  Ash 
U.S.A. Capable  Meat Puppets 
Tangerine  echobelly 
Jesus Loves You (Not As Much As I Do)  u-ziq 
Start With  The Rentals 
Seven Words  Cibo Matto 
Travelling Light  The Amps 
Young Man's Stride  Lotion 
Side B
I Will  Catherine Wheel 
It's Lulu  Scarce 
The Diamond Sea  Stiffs, Inc. 
Jack Names the Planets  Menthol 
Scum  Buffalo Tom 
King of the Kerb  Eve's Plum 
Phlesope  Seaweed 
Friends of P  Deftones 
Know Yr. Chicken  Tindersticks 
Tipp City  Mercury Rev 
Marijauna Vietnam  Inbreds 


All of these songs come from CMJ magazine's monthly sampler CDs. I buy it whenever there's a good band on the cover, and then I skim through the CD, pick out the songs I like and play them for a while. Then when I've a
