
Member Since: 10/27/2001
Total Mixes: 2
Total Feedback: 3

Other Mixes By BadlyDrawnGirl

CD | Mixed Genre

Jesus sings the hits!

Artist Song
The Pixies  Where is my mind (Jesus does the Pixies) 
Ani Difranco  Both Hands (Jesus la feminista!) 
Bread  Mother Freedom (Jesus on the last day of school) 
Pedro the Lion  A mind of her own (Jesus the emo kid) 
Prince  Pussy Control (Jesus the Pussy Controller) 
Buffalo Springfield  For what it's worth(Jesus the hippie) 
The Pharcyde  Pandemonium (Jesus and da bling bling) 
Kermit the Frog  It's not that easy being green (Jesus does one for the kids) 
Destiny's Child  Survivor (Jesus the survivor) 
John Lennon  In My Life (Jesus gets sentimental) 
Barry Manilow  Copa Cabana (Jesus the Lounge Lizard) 
Dave Matthews  Where are you going (Jesus does Dave that I'd pay to see!) 
Aerosmith  Dream On (Jesus does a monster ballad) 
Springheeled Jack  Jolene (Jesus the dancehall king) 
Susan Tedeschi  It Hurt So Bad (Jesus sings the blues) 
Dire Straights  Brothers in Arms (Jesus gets dramatic) 
Rhinestone Cowboy  Jesus (With a very special guest apperance by Radiohead) 


The mix CD I'm giving to my friends for Christmas. It makes no sense and it's not supposed to. Just like my just works.


Date: 12/16/2001
Jesus is the probably one of the best cover artists I've ever heard of. I see you like his work. LOL