
Member Since: 1/5/2002
Total Mixes: 13
Total Feedback: 109

Other Mixes By emmatron

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

the last thing this world needs is another love song

Side A
Artist Song
He Taught Me Lies  Attention Race Fans 
He Taught Me Lies  Nothing 
He Taught Me Lies  Temp Agency Hunger Pangs 
He Taught Me Lies  h.t.m.l. 
He Taught Me Lies  why doesn't anyone plant coffin pines anymore? 
Gina Young  college 
Gina Young  g.i. joe 
Gina Young  the roaches' revolt 
Gina Young  privilege 
Gina Young  cuts 
Side B
Gina Young  ballad of doris day 
Jolie Rickman  emma goldman 
Jolie Rickman  suffer to be beautiful 
bratmobile  cheap trick record 
bratmobile  eating toothpaste 
PJ Harvey  plants and rags 
ani difranco  fire door (live) 
ani d.  anticipate (live) 


Theme is political grrls who are not aggressively punk, following the h.t.m.l. tracks (they're a local band [political but not grrls] who recorded this january, but i didn't get around to filling up the rest of the tape till now). The tape is cool because it's for a friend who's seen h.t.m.l. several times, and I also brought Gina and Jolie to play here not long ago, so it's only the last quarter of the tape that's anything new for the boy I'm giving it to. Flow is really really good, surprisingly - i've never put on two tracks in a row by one person before. And the cover is made of recycled paper from india. (Thank you, ex-boyfriend's mom ...)
