
Member Since: 6/18/2002
Total Mixes: 49
Total Feedback: 328

Other Mixes By Nirmala-B

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Country
Cassette | Reggae

What did you just say?

Side A
Artist Song
Leadbelly  Where did you sleep last night? 
Suede  By the sea. 
The Apples in Stereo  You said that last night. 
Superchunk  Why do you have to put a date on everything? 
Jonathan Fire*Eater  This is my room. 
The Clash  Should I stay or should I go? 
The Rolling Stones  Let's spend the night together. 
The Mysteries of Life  Kira's coming over. 
The Dambuilders  You might want me around. 
Seaweed  Stay down. 
Pixies  Is she weird? 
Tobin Sprout  A little odd. 
Supergrass  Going out? 
Iggy Pop  Nightclubbing. 
Side B
Galaxie 500  When will you come home? 
James  Tomorrow. 
Firewater  Bourbon and Division? 
Greyboy  Singles party. 
Knapsack  Skip the details. 
Peggy Lee  Is that all there is? 
Thrush Hermit  Before you leave - 
Morrissey  Little man, what now? 
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds  - do you love me? 
Elvis Presley  Just because? 
Elliott Smith  Say yes. 
Silkworm  Couldn't you wait? 
Yo La Tengo  Don't say a word. 


February 22, 1999: For our collective birthday (I was turning 23, he was turning 24), I made Grant a tape. I didn't really know what kind of music Grant would like, so I figured a gimmick would overshadow any missteps. When read in order, the song titles form a conversation between two people who may or may not be in love, depending on which one you ask.


Date: 6/19/2002
What a fantastic idea! I'm in awe! Now you've just spawned a new project for me. Ah, well.
liddy c
Date: 6/20/2002
CLEVER! And well, well done on the choices.. elliot, ya la tengo, pixies, clash, plus lots I now want to check out... well done.
Date: 6/21/2002
Thanks, Liddy! And Linzer - I thought I responded with a thank you shortly after you posted your feedback, but apparently not. So thank you! Good luck with your project (I'm thinking of making another conversation tape, too).
Space Dog
Date: 6/25/2002
Date: 6/25/2002