
Member Since: 7/21/2002
Total Mixes: 23
Total Feedback: 88

Other Mixes By Joel123

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

The cool before the warm: Joy's Style Council mix

Side A
Artist Song
The Style Council  Big Boss Groove 
The Style Council  Here's One That Got Away 
The Style Council  Speak Like A Child 
The Style Council  Confessions 1, 2 and 3 
The Style Council  Heavens Above 
The Style Council  Fairy Tales 
The Style Council  A Casual Affair 
The Style Council  It Just Came to Pieces in My Hand 
The Style Council  In Love for the First Time 
The Style council  Come to Milton Keynes 
The Style council  Changing of the Guard 
The Style Council  The Picadilly Trail 
The Style Council  The Ghosts of Dachau 
Side B
The Style Council  My Ever Changing Moods 
The Style Council  Headstart for Happiness 
The Style Council  Why I Went Missing 
The Style Council  How She Threw It All Away 
The Style Council  Homebreakers 
The Style Council  The Paris Match 
The Style Council  Wanted 
The Style Council  Walking the Night 
The Style Council  Party Chambers (Instrumental version) 
The Style Council  Luck 
The Style Council  A Man of Great Promise 
The Style Council  April's Fool 
The Style Council  Spin Drifitng 
The Style Council  Waiting 


A few years ago, I was in a touring theatre company. One night, as I was driving one of our vans along one of our nation's fine interstates to our next show, I was listening to a mix I'd made when a fellow cast member excitedly asked me if we were listening to The Style Council. It turns out she had remembered "Shout to the Top" from her high school days, but hadn't heard them since. So I had to rectify the situation with yet another mix tape.


Date: 10/12/2002
This is wonderful. It has most of my favorites and some I'm not familiar with.
Date: 4/3/2003
I've also done my share of bonding over The Style Council: Not that many people have heard of them (their loss!) but the ones that do know who they are unanimously think they're awesome. I had a roommate who was quite surprised find out that the tape that I was playing so often was not , in fact, a black soul group! Their music is so diverse that they easily keep you guessing through two sides of a tape--as your mix tape nicely demonstrates! My brother (who introduced me to The Style Council and The Jam) braved the blizzard that hit the east coast in February -- that lived up to storms from my time in Chicago--to see Weller play the 9:30 Club. It was a great show! Steve White was drumming and they did "The Long Hot Summer"! No such luck with "The Paris Match" but there's always the next tour....