
Member Since: 7/16/2002
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 32

Other Mixes By mrgust0

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

if you can hear a piano fall

Artist Song
modest mouse  dramamine 
ministry  just one fix 
guns n roses  mr. brownstone 
kmfdm  sucks 
sparta  vacant skies 
concrete blonde  the sky is a poisonous garden 
vines   outtathaway 
black rebel motorcycle club  whatever happened to my rock n roll 
white stripes  dead leaves and the dirty ground 
lou reed  vicious 
johnny cash  folsom prison blues (live) 
smashing pumpkins  hello kitty kat 
tool  3rd eye (live) 


2nd cd in a 2 cd set. was attempting to put more intense, louder .. just bigger (either in sound, attitude or personality)songs together and only somewhat succeeded. i realized i don't own that many cds that rock out. i'm a sucker for melody, i suppose. made for the same precious person.


abigail dice
Date: 8/4/2002
yummy! very nice work. :)
abigail dice
Date: 8/4/2002
even though I shouldn't take on more trades than I can handle right now, seeing that songlist makes me want to! rar!