
Member Since: 11/30/2001
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 4

Other Mixes By cott6661

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

i'm not the world's strongest man when it comes to you

Side A
Artist Song
lilys  kodiak (reprise) 
unwound  scarlette 
the cure  jumping someone else's train 
rem  pretty persuasion 
pavement  folk jam 
xtc  making plans with nigel 
blonde redhead  violent life 
new order  world 
yo la tengo  autumn sweater (kevin sheilds remix) 
pink floyd  fearless 
Side B
scott walker  the world's strongest man 
flaming lips  do you realize?? 
steely dan  with a gun 
wilco  she's a jar 
mercury rev  racing the tide 
the notwist  your signs 
home  my passion 
david bowie  moonage daydream 
bruce springsteen  badlands 
elvis costello  i want you 


scott walker is the man...i need to check out more of his stuff


Kathleen Gallagher
Date: 10/30/2002
Yes, that song is great. Just like a lot of the other songs here (Elvis in particular).
Date: 10/31/2002
damn straight. you need scotts 1-4, and til the band comes in for starters. then you can try his more recent stuff. and don't forget the walker brothers too....