joey de vivre

Member Since: 12/14/2000
Total Mixes: 205
Total Feedback: 1884

Other Mixes By joey de vivre

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Empty War Head - - (for GW Bush)

Artist Song
Randy Newman  Big Hat, No Cattle 
Coconuts  If I Only Had a Brain 
John Shinnick  My Brain Is Too Small 
G W Bush  fool me once . . . 
Who  Won't Get Fooled Again 
Tom Lehrer  So Long Mom, I'm Off to Drop the Bomb 
Creedence Clearwater  Fortunate Son 
Who's Been Telling Lies 
Dave Frishberg  Marooned in a Blizzard of Lies 
G W Bush  we have no compassion . . . 
Fugs  Kill for Peace 
Barry McGuire  Eve of Destruction 
Edwin Starr  War 
Beatles  Nowhere Man 
Bob Dylan  Ballad of a Thin Man 
Mound City Blues Blowers  Never Had a Reason to Believe in You 
Swinging Blue Jeans  You're No Good 
Alberto y Los Trios paranoias  Fuck You 


Somewhere in Texas there's a village that's missing its idiot. I'm sure there are many, many more songs that could be fittingly dedicated to the oil industry's best friend, but these are all I can pull together right now - further suggestions welcome - (thanks to Sean Lally for the fool-me-once soundbite!)
image for mix


Date: 1/23/2003
yeah, that "fool me once" quote is too funny. great title and great last track.
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/23/2003
the funny thing is that the American public only have themselves to blame for electing this twerp. "yeah, vote for Nader dude!". And I bet that a large % of the people complaining about Bush never even voted anyways. IMHO, if someone doesn't vote then they should just shup up.
Franklin Onn
Date: 1/23/2003
W of mass destruction.
Adam Bristor
Date: 1/23/2003
Yeah, there are a lot of great tunes here, and some good laughs. That Dylan song is one of the angriest ones I've ever heard, even for him. And I have a feeling Mr. Jones doesn't have a clue what the hell is going on.
The Misfit
Date: 1/23/2003
Great idea and mix!
Date: 1/23/2003
Somewhere in Texas, there's a village missing its good curveballer. That's the only positive thing I have to say about your boy, Jeff, but it's a great idea and it looks freaking amazing!
Sean Lally
Date: 1/23/2003
Very great. LOVE that Tom Lehrer song. And the Fugs. And Dylan. And "Eve", though I think I like P.F. Sloan's version more. Great job. "Somewhere in Texas....." heh heh.
Sean Lally
Date: 1/23/2003
PS. How was the rally last weekend? Ours is this weekend.
Date: 1/24/2003
I won't "misunderestimate" you. This is awesome. that "" was a Bush-ism . Apparently his language is quite infectious.
Sean Lally
Date: 1/24/2003
Infectious.... just like syphillis. My "favorite" malaproprisms of his included issues that "don't resignate with the voters" and "subliminable messages". Say what you want about his politics - the man is a poet.
Date: 1/24/2003
great theme - wonderful mix!!
Rob Conroy
Date: 1/24/2003
Great mix, great idea, great execution... all the usuals for you. And I wholeheartedly back up the sentiment of this mix.
Bandwagon Bob
Date: 1/24/2003
Uh oh, another liberally slanted discussion disguised as mix commentary.
Bad Georgey, bad boy you idiot: Saddam Hussein's son just threatened a gas attack if his country is targeted. But I'm confused: WHAT GAS? The GAS they "don't have?" Propelled by warheads that don't exist? The GAS that France & Germany are O.K. with? The GAS that the U.N. Inspectors can't find??
Doh !
joey de vivre
Date: 1/24/2003
Bandwagon Bob, if you existed you'd be as full of GAS as Baby Bush is. The Cheney/Rummy team has been itching to take over Iraq since about 1991 when Hussein first slipped off their leash. But is Iraq now a threat to any one, with one of the feeblest military capacities in the Mideast? Pretexts aside, there's one rationale that explains EVERYTHING the Cheney/Bush crew has done to date,
foreign or domestic: does it benefit the oil companies?
Date: 1/25/2003
Very nice, indeed. I'm with Sean, Rob, laufi et al. I guess that Tom Lehrer, song is called "It Makes a Fellow Proud to Be a Soldier", though.
Date: 1/25/2003
great mix, great sentiments. see, here in aus, if you don't vote, you get fined. maybe they should do that in the us, where it's pathetic that more than half of the voters don't vote. i, for one, *did* vote in the us presidential election, even though i was (& still am) living overseas, and had to do it by absentee ballot. (fyi, i *didn't* vote for bush).
Date: 1/25/2003
I'll join everyone here except the coward called "Bandwagon Bob"..., again, every time discourse on this issue comes up the only ones defending the actions of baby Bush hide behind pseudonyms/fake e-addresses.....wonder why that is...?
Date: 2/1/2003
Great mix and perfect politics. I thought junior was an idiot before the election. The only difference now is that he's a dangerous idiot.
Date: 2/4/2003
Good music- I don't agree with the politics, but I agree with the music... "Fortunate Son" would have fit here as well. Perfect Randy Newman pick, too.
Date: 2/13/2003
Awesome and funny!
Date: 3/23/2003
I agree with the music AND the politics! Great cover also...
Date: 4/18/2003
what's to disagree with about the politics of a song called "FUCK YOU"?
Date: 5/9/2003
Firstly, I want to know how you all feel now that the war is over and the President you all so despise save our country and others from an enormous threat...It's funny how many people speak out against the President and don't realize that they have that right because they are American. People in countries like Iraq would be shot, hung, tortured or worse if they even implied a dislike for the government...that's why we're over there, to attempt to give those people some basic human rights. War sucks, I agree, but sometimes, with dangerous people, the only methods of negotiation aren't exactly peaceful. I heard a saying once, "Sometimes you have to fight in order to get peace."
I do, however, agree with the fact that people who don't vote, have no right to open their mouths. I voted, it's the least I can do...and for the record I did vote for Bush and would do it again!
Date: 5/9/2003
Also, Can any of you imagine doing his job? He has most likely one of the most difficult jobs in the world...and very few people are cut out to run a country, let alone the USA...Just something to think about...When you have difficult decisions to make, you aren't always going to make the right ones. But atleast Bush (as opposed to Clinton) as done everything, even his failures with an amount of integrity and respect. He has restored the position of the Presidency and the Government to that of a respected position. While I don't agree with everything he's done, I am so thankful that someone in power has morals and what's best for his country at heart. It's a breath of fresh air!
Date: 5/17/2003
"integrity", "respect", "morals", hang on i gotta go get my dictionary
Franklin Onn1
Date: 7/16/2003
Gee, I wonder where "Bandwagon Bob" is today? Over in Iraq hunting for that GAS and those warheads, no doubt. And, Swissmiss, let me see if I've got this straight: W lied to us so he could "save our country" from the "enormous threat" of weapons that don't exist, while the freedoms we fought to give the Iraqis are relentlessly eroded in our own country. Gee whiz, I think I'm beginning to understand .... War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength .... keep repeating it everybody.....
Nest of Vipers
Date: 2/13/2004
OH! BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It's not often that merely the reading of a track listing makes one laugh out loud. Amazing.
joey de vivre
Date: 3/12/2004
UPDATE: since last year I've expanded this mix, & the version that's ready for the March 20th 2004 antiwar demonstrations includes the "Bushwhacked" state of the Union speech, Nina Simone's "Go to Hell", & some additional sound bites of Bush lying or just sounding stupid.
Date: 3/17/2004
sounds good. too bad he doesn't realize just how stupid he comes off. I've never heard anything like it in my life....UGH!
Date: 12/25/2005
I'm impressed by some of those tracks, like Tom Lehrer and Alberto y Los Trios Paranoias. Good work.
John Shinnick
Date: 2/13/2007
Hey! That's my song up there! (#3, My Brain Is Too Small). I can't think of a better use for it than to describe our pres, but how'd y'all find it?