Crash Landon

Member Since: 10/3/2002
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 14

Other Mixes By Crash Landon

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Single Artist
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme

Finding the Faith

Artist Song
R.E.M.  Losing my Religion 
Dogma  Loki on Religion 
Dashboard Confessional  Turpentine Chaser 
Authority Zero  Lying Awake 
Sheryl Crow  Every Day Is A Winding Road 
Hoobastank  Crawling in the Dark 
Foo Fighters  All My Life 
Bob Dylan  Blowin' In the Wind 
Led Zeppelin  Stairway to Heaven 
The Offspring  All I Want 
Pearl Jam  Alive 
Norah Jones  Feelin' the Same Way 
Oasis  Live Forever 
Cat Stevens  The Wind 
Sublime  What I Got 
Dave Matthews Band  Tripping Billies 


This one is sort of a tale about questioning the religion you grew up with, and then finally finding the proper faith within yourself rather than within what others tell you. Semi-Autobiographical. Hope you enjoy!


Date: 2/23/2003
Integrity above all else. This is great.
abigail dice1
Date: 3/7/2003
nice, nice mix. and thank you so much for the kind words on my Weezer tape. :) and yes, we should trade soon. let me know what music or format you'd like from me.