
Member Since: 6/5/2003
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 4

Other Mixes By Firm

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre

You've Seen The Pie, Now Taste The Crumble

Artist Song
Promise Ring  The Deep South 
The Music  Getaway 
The Charlatans  And If I Fall 
Michelle Branch  Everywhere 
Beck  The Golden Age 
The Cranberries  Liar 
Better Than Ezra  Circle of Friends 
Aqualung  Falling Out Of Love 
Michael Jackson  Off The Wall 
Van Morrison  Brown Eyed Girl 
Brandon Benson  Tiny Spark 
Badly Drawn Boy  The Can Is Open 
Foo Fighters  Time Like These 
Ryan Adams  New York New York 
Tracey Chapmen  Fast Car 
Josh Clayton Felt  Deer In The Headlights 
Doves  Break Me Gently 
The Smiths  Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now 
Richard Ashcroft  Science Of Silence 
Elbow  Something The Air 
Nirvana  Dumb 
Goo Goo Dolls  Think About Me 
Norah Jones  Don't Know Why 
Loquat  Swingset Chain 


It was good to get such a quick response on the last one that I thought I'd follow it up with one of my recent favourites.


Date: 6/6/2003
Hey, this looks pretty nice. I love the title, too.