
Member Since: 10/8/2002
Total Mixes: 4
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By P.R.C.

Cassette | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

Marc's Alt Classics

Side A
Artist Song
Minutemen  Maybe Partying Will Help 
Minutemen  Toadies 
Minutemen  Viet Nam 
Mike Watt  Big Train 
Mike Watt  E Ticket Ride 
Mike Watt  In the Engine Room 
Mike Watt  Black Gang Coffee 
Ween  Stroker Ace 
Ween  Even If You Don't 
Ween  Bananas and Blow 
Side B
Royal Fingerbowl  Bad Apples 
Royal Fingerbowl  No Man is an Island 
Pere Ubu  Surfer Girl 
Pere Ubu  My Friend is a Stooge for the Media Priests 
Captain Beefheart  Floppy Boot Stomp 
Captain Beefheart  You Know You're a Man 
Shane MacGowan & the Popes  Donegal Express 
Shane MacGowan & the Popes  Her Father Didn't Like Me Anyway 
Hunter S. Thompson  Letter to William S. Burroughs & Ode to Jack 


When I was a freshman in college (2000-2001), my Uncle Marc made me this cassette mix, and I've been re-listening to it in my car lately. Naturally, I think it's great, so here it is.

When I first got it (it arrived unannounced by mail), I walked around campus with my Walkman, listening to "Donegal Express" over and over again, which led immediately to me getting a copy of Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash, which Big Paddy had told me about during high school but which I never bothered to look into. Besides that and a previously existing love of Ween (a band to which I had been introduced, again by Uncle Marc, through a Chocolate and Cheese Christmas gift), I was unfamiliar with everything on the tape. Now I own a bunch of this stuff.

I love my uncle.
image for mix


Pedro Orange1
Date: 8/7/2003
Should've thrown in some fIREHOSE tracks too. Otherwise, cool mix.
Date: 8/7/2003
cool uncle...